Hi Everyone!
.Oh! The perils of being in my fifties... (did I just admit that?) I am determined to make my fifties fabulously fashionable but...there are times I need a little help. I try to eat right and visit they gym as often as I can, but sometimes little surprises can sneak up on you. Some of these, "surprises" are not so good...like a waistline that seems to suddenly disappear on you overnight. You start wondering...can I blame it on the washer and dryer? Did I shrink my clothes?
.Meet the mysterious shrinking blouse. (yeah right! Have some more chocolate cake Mary!!!) Still, it needed help. I could not button it without showing my burgeoning middle aged waistline. Here is the front and back before.
Here is the back after the refashion.
How did I do it? Well, it involved some old place mats and a little bit of time.
See the entire tutorial here!
'til next time....
Great! I like your "refashioning" very much, and your text is really entertaining.
best regards from
Thank you Anna,
I was determined not to throw this blouse away and it was an easy fix!
oh, that is very cool! Love the look.
Sandy in the UK
I love it. A beautiful refashion.
This is different - lovely idea!!! xxx
Thanks to you all!
The shirt looks fab - I love the placement of the lace.
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