Sunday, August 17, 2014

Got sleeves?

I did.

It didn't take long to figure out what to do with 'em.

This fitted Gap T isn't all that old but the armholes were too tight due to my getting-more-defined-by-the-week guns. I was going to turn them into wee cap sleeves, but after I enlarged the post-chop armhole space, I thought why not try

this? I had proper jeans thread on hand

and that made the decision to add only one of the pockets harvested from the original refashion an easy one.


PS - This scheduling your post option is great! I wrote this Wednesday morning and scheduled it for the weekend. Why not give it a try next time you have two refashions ready for us? 


Joyful said...

Nice job on the t-shirt!

jennifer elliott said...

Nice save. :)

Carissa said...

The contrasting sleeves/pockets is so *in* right now. This turned out great!

And congrats on getting bigger guns too!


IWOM said...

Thanks Ladies!