Saturday, August 16, 2014

Pullover refashion copy

This is a favorite pullover of mine, one that I refashioned and showed you some time ago. So why am I showing it to you again?

I found another one exactly the same in a thrift shop. I was practically doing the happy dance, since the black one had become a wardrobe favourite of mine.

And decided to do exactly the same thing to it. A refashion decidedly not demanding any toil from my creativity ;-).
I removed the strap holdning the ribbed front together and used it to create a tiny bow.
This one was a size L, the black one was a size S. So I took the grey pullover in two sizes.
Somebody is trying to get his 15 minutes of fame ;-)



RanchHouse said...

Our family watched McGiver series years ago. I love it when a plan comes together. Great tops. And a new favorite.

jennifer elliott said...

Me too! I love it when a plan comes together! Great refashion!

Jennifer Elliott, EOD