Friday, August 15, 2014

Simple T-Shirt Refashion

I found this shirt at the thrift store a couple months ago. It's a fitted t-shirt style, but made out of a semi-sheer fabric. The pattern is a little more "wild" than I usually go for, but I have a skirt that I made recently that I knew it would go perfectly with. 

However, it wasn't going to cut it in it's original state. It was intended for someone with a longer torso than me, so it fell in an awkward spot. Kind of in between the perfect length for a shirt and the perfect length for a tunic.
 It was a super simple, and completely free fix. I had elastic that I removed from a fitted sheet that died. (Cats with claws who like to hide from visitors under blankets on the bed are bad news for fitted sheets!)  I sewed a strip down each side seam of the shirt to create some ruching.
Final product is a much more flattering length, and the ruching helps hide any "trouble"spots. :D
After - From the Front.

After - From the side. 


Nanna said...

what a neat idea, I never would have thought to add elastic down the sides


Saga said...

I is such a small thing to change, but it make it so much more flattering on you. Well done.

jennifer elliott said...

Small fixes make all the difference! I've been meaning to try adding elastic thread or elastic to the sides of some shirt. Thanks!

Andrea said...

Yep, said it so many times here, but the simple fix really made all the difference! Great job! Oh, and make sure to use your label next time so that your posts all get added to your list of refashions :) (MsDesignGeek, and if you ever have questions about posting, check out the posting guidelines on the site!)
Andrea EOD

Sandy said...

This is brilliant! My figure is a bit like yours and I end up with similar issues with length of t-shirts. But this is such a useful solution. Thanks!
Sandy in the UK

Joyful said...

Good idea. I always have a problem with shirts that are not quite the right length. You've me an idea what to do with some of them.