Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Drape myself in velvet

Back in the fall, (on one of my many thrift store trips) I found a velvet dress in my favorite blue-green color...
Flattering, huh? Who wouldn't want to look wider? But it's a very basic shape, that I assumed would be easy to work with. Luckily, Google set me straight on that assumption. Apparently, velvet is a tricky fabric to work with. I would try hemming it, maybe shorten the sleeves, but I didn't want to get in over my head. I ended up with this:
Woah, you guys. I actually like how it turned out. (By the way, it looks a little blue-er in real life.) 
For more of this, see the full post on my blog.
Thank you for looking!


cfort82 said...

I like the new neck line and the length is much better. Happy New Year!

Cindy - EOD
Upcycled Design Lab

RanchHouse said...

This color is a knock out on you. This should get many compliments.
Velvet can be a challenge, but well worth it as this shows.

Mary @ Ranch House.