Monday, February 02, 2015

No-Sew Jean Jacket Recon

Hi all!

Sorry for the long time since the last post. I've got an excellent plan for the rest of the year with my blog so hopefully I'll be able to be a lot more active here!

Last week I did a super fun project:

I had this jean jacket that was...well, you know, it was FINE I guess. Good for the weird half-cool days we've been having in San Antonio lately. But MAN did it bore me.

I mean it did have these cool panels in the back:

But what good are cool panels if you can't COVER THEM WITH BRIGHTLY COVERED FABRIC?!

Which is exactly what I did:

And even though fabric glue has always made me nervous, I managed to do the whole thing without sewing a stitch.

There are more details (and a few more pictures) on my blog post, which you can find here if you want.

Thanks for looking!



Refashion said...

The jacket looks so colourful and pretty now.

Debbie EOD

Amy Jo said...

Wow! I love what you did with the fabric panels! NOw that jacket is so much better than "fine, I guess"!!!

Unknown said...

Instructables bot!

Beth said...

Thanks everybody! And YES Instructables bot!! I was a runner-up in a contest last month so they sent me a t-shirt. :D