Monday, July 06, 2015

YAY! It's Back! Open Casting Call For Refashion Runway: Season Three


I'm happy to announce, it's finally back!

Refashion Runway: Season Three!

All of the creativity and talent brought by all of the contestants of the first two seasons was so impressive. I'm really looking forward to seeing what Refashion Runway: Season 3 will bring.

Here’s how it’ll work:

Much like Project Runway and The Great British Sewing Bee, we’ll choose eight refashion seamstresses (or seamsters) to compete in weekly challenges. The refashions will then be scored by their fellow competitors and open to a popular vote. The scores will be combined to find a weekly winner and one competitor will be out (not without a prize for participating though). At the end of the series, whoever is left will not only receive a nice prize but will be crowned the winner of Refashion Runway: Season Three!!

It's such a great way to meet new people who love to do the same thing we do.

To find out more and how to try out for Refashion Runway

click here.

I can't wait!

The Renegade Seamstress

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