Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Old Shirt, New Style

This is just a simple refashion.  Probably not even worth posting, but I am anyway :)

This is another shirt from my friends daughters goodwill pile.
I am not a fan of shirts that are longer in the back and shorter in the front, but I loved the print.  It is a nice stretch, sweater like fabric, too.

So I just chopped it, ran the bottom through the serger, and then hemmed it.
Now I have a cute half top! 
Being the beach bum, bikini wearing, daily surfer that I am, I am a sucker for a good half top.

Perfect for all the hot weather we have been having.

This heat wave is killing me.  It's all I can do to get dressed everyday.  My neighbor and I keep joking about setting up kiddie pools in our living rooms.  

It's that bad!

Stay cool everyone.  
Fall will be here eventually.


cfort82 said...

Glad you were able to save the shirt. It looks great on you.

Cindy - EOD
Upcycled Design Lab

jenny_o said...

Sometimes the simplest changes do not occur to me, so I'm happy you posted this :)