Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Floral Skirt That took All Summer

Hello Refashion Co-op. This refashion project might seem out of season right now. My daughter found this amazing dress in the Spring. It is a pink floral masterpiece of  80's style.

Look at the dropped waist and huge baggy fit, with giant shoulders of course.

It has a sweet built in scarf too. My daughter thought this dress was awesome and it came home from the thrift store with us.

Her plan was to remove the top of the dress and save the skirt. She started this refashion but got busy with summer classes. It sat in the sewing pile all summer until I cleaned up recently and found it. I finished it for her even though it is too cold to wear it right now.

There is a simple elastic waistband at the top and the loose pleats were easy to work with and attach to the elastic. The elastic was white and quite unattractive. I covered it with this navy blue cotton lace. It wasn't really a need but it makes the skirt much cuter. 

Thanks for reading! 


jennifer elliott said...

Very vintage! Love it.

Jennifer EOD

I Can Work With That said...

Thanks jennifer!

Unknown said...

Pffffttt I don't believe in seasons. Maybe it's from living in a desert ;) Throw on some leggings and boots and bam! Out the door you go! (But I used to intentionally mismatch my socks as a child, so maybe don't trust me...)