Hey guys!
Another project is almost done, but I wanted to share this quick little number with you:
Some of you may remember this from a while ago. I used the bottom of this shirt and this skirt to make a scarf for a dear little girl in my life. But the top of the top was still in perfect working order, so I saved it! |
I like crop tops by way of layers, because it can help me make a neckline more appropriate while not adding a whole extra layer the way a full tank top does (VERY important here in the desert). This fit great as is, but needed a little choppage. The ruffle stuck out weirdly so I carefully snipped it away |
Then I cleaned up the bottom edge since my original chop had been... Well, choppy. Since everything is still seamed and serged, there was no need for any sewing! |
Here it is in action! You can see how low this shirt would be otherwise. I actually have already worn it under a sundress I have and it was great! It made the dress magically work-acceptable. |
Easy peasey! I'll be back soon with my 'real' project :)
Cute tank, I like the idea of a crop tank for under things. Humid summer isn't a good time to wear 2 whole shirts. Very nice.
Chickie; it works GREAT! We don't get as humid here but we get into the 100-and-teens for MONTHS on end. As little clothing as possible is needed!!
Great idea. I am always in need of something to wear under my tank tops. Thanks.
Cindy - EOD
Upycled Design Lab
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