Thursday, January 26, 2017

Tunic Dress Refashioned Into Top

I thrifted this very short dress at Value Village for only $10.99 but I had a 30% off coupon so it only cost me $7.77.  I loved the fabric and the cut of the top but it was too short to be a dress and I don't wear tunics.
So it was a simple matter of taking my seam ripper and removing the band of fabric that covers the elastic on the waistband.
Once that was done, it was just a matter of cutting the top to the right length, iron the hem over twice and stitch it down.
Then I ironed the wrinkles out and I had a great new top.  What do you think of my refashion?  Check out my blog at Vintagethrifter51.  Cheers, Michele


jennifer elliott said...

Looks fabulous! Great job!

Jennifer, EOD

whatthesew said...

Love the silky fabric and the vibrant colours, good find.

Liochka said...

I love the fabric !