Sunday, May 06, 2018

Kentucky Derby Refash 2018

First of all I must apologize. I do not have a before picture for you today. I have been trying to take all my before pictures when I get new thrift store finds, but somehow I overlooked this one. Oops!
Well, my dear readers, here we are, another Kentucky Derby. I look forward to this day all year! I have found that one of the things I like to refashion are hats! I love making a new hat for the Derby every year!
While I was out on one of my many thrifting adventures I found this shirt...
A fox hunt pattern! WOW this was meant to be my new Kentucky Derby Refash!
I started by taking off the sleeves. Then I used my seam ripper to removed the shoulder seam.

I flapped back the front and back material around the arm holes to make a halter type look. I realized that my shirt needed to be taken in at the sides but I was on a time crunch (like always) so I just cut down the side seams of the shirt, instead of neatly seam ripping them.

So, I pinned the new sleeve holes.

Pinned the side seams.

That worked very well, until I tried my shirt on and there were 2 HUGE gaps in the front. Time for a little more alteration! I sewed more of the front arm hole into itself again.

Then I made 2 very small, 1 1/2 inch, front dart to make sure the arm hole wouldn't gap.

The Hat:
Obviously this wouldn't be a Derby Refash without the HAT!

This year I decided to go with base hat. Since my shirt was a Victorian fox hunt theme. I decided to make my hat in the same fashion, a Victorian ladies riding hat.

I started by folding some red satin ribbon together. Stitched that up!

For the back of my hat I used a series of red floral tulle and fanned them out. I hot glued all the tulle (burnt my fingers too) onto my hat. I also finished the back with a roll of satin ribbon and 2 roses.
The Kentucky Derby is known as the Race of the Roses.

For the side of the hat I used red roses, a smaller width floral tulle and I attached a peacock feather onto the ribbons I sewed together.  This was also all hot glued into my hat (more burnt fingers).


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Completed my refash with a mint julep!
Happy Refashioning!!!
Check out my stash of refashions on my blog!

1 comment:

I Can Work With That said...

I love the derby hat, and the fox hunt shirt. Perfect for the occasion!