Sunday, March 10, 2019

Knit fabric dress refashion

I bought a dress at a car boot sale for only £1, there was a lot of useful fabric in the skirt and I wanted to sew more with knit fabrics.  The photo above is not the actual dress of mine but a handy and much better photo of a brown version I found on the internet.

When I got it the dress home and tried it on, the fit and style exceeded expectations so it got a few wears as it was.  This reprieve from the refashion process was only temporary as I eventually decided the neckline was too low and the waist was a little tight.

I created an alternative bodice section from some fabric and a men's tie, using a pattern.

The fit is much better now and I have also worn it out a few times with this new bodice.

There are more details and photos here


I Can Work With That said...

The tie adds some great color at the the neckline. What a great idea!

Anielskaaniela said...

Very pretty new collar :)