Wednesday, April 24, 2019

White Sweater Round-up; Part 1

Hello Refashion Co-op. Do you ever end up with a lot of similar items on the refashion rack? I always do but never intentionally. I don't know how it happens.

This is the first of 4 white sweaters. I do not need 4. I wanted to change it up somehow. I already liked the lace panels in the front and the 3/4 length sleeves.

I used some Rit dye. I love this stuff. They don't know me or pay me to say that. I just like to use the dye a lot. Why purple? It was on sale, and I didn't have a purple sweater.

Here is the finished sweater. I dyed a cotton top to go with it. They are perfect for me to wear to work. 

Thanks for reading along, for more pictures and details go to I Can Work With That.


Valerie said...

It's to dye for! Sorry, I could not resist, but really, I love the sweater and the dye job. Makes me want one of my own!

Sandy said...

So cute on you!

I Can Work With That said...

Thanks for the comments and the pun! hahaha

TheRefashStash said...

Love it! What a pretty color on you!
