Friday, August 12, 2022

Dress to 2 Piece

 Hello Refashion Co-op. It is hot, let's make a summer 2 piece outfit from this white floral dress.

Before and after.

This dress was nice and fit OK but it was just too long on me. I could just shorten it but I wanted to make a 2 piece outfit.

I cut t he dress in 2 pieces and hemmed the top. 

I made a simple elastic waistband.

I made the waistband the same way Saga showed us on this blog.

I liked the new shape this outfit had. Thanks for reading along, for more pictures and details go to I Can Work With That.


g.satansbraten said...

Turned out really very nice: congrats.

Was just wondering by 'tampering' over your design different:
the wider part of the skirt upside as waste and the smaller part down and done with side slits would perhaps even add a size (or 1 1/2 ?) for ladies with a more solid built at the bottom?
I mean: for so called "pear shapes" with small topsides yet heavier from the waist down?
It's probably all about precise measurement checks since the cut of the dresses skirt part looks rather straight and perhaps with no real wider parts?

Btw.: congrats if you can stand 'suffering' the elastic waistband during really hot weather!
I prefer to cover them - inside/skin side - with some 'wicking material'; at least partially. And imho 'partially' even provides some small venting gaps during hot weather (or menopausal flushes ^^)

I Can Work With That said...

That is a great idea to adapt this to different body shapes.
Good thinking.