Thursday, June 27, 2024

Pants to Jacket

 Hello Refashion Co-op. I found some pretty light-weight summer pants but they had a terrible nylon lining inside. I think nylon is hot and itchy so I did not want to wear the pants. I love the lace trim so I wanted to make them into a little jacket. 

Before and after.

I took the pants apart to remove the lining and then I put them back together. 

The jacket was going to be a bit shapeless but the drape of the fabric will give it shape. That pretty lace would be at the hemline of the jacket.
The jacket is basically a rectangle with armholes. 
The jacket is a nice light layer. Thanks for reading along, for more pictures and how-to details go to I Can Work With That.


1 comment:

Anielskaaniela said...

Amazing ! Great job 😁