Out of nowhere (so it seamed) a stain had appeared on one sleeve of this cardigan. It looked like toothpaste, but it clearly wasn't, since washing didn't help. White paint then? I cautiously treated it with some organic solvent but that didn't work either. I kept wearing the cardigan, but I couldn't forget the stain and wanted to fix it. But how?
A few weeks ago I went to a workshop 'Embroidery on clothes' and brought the cardigan with me. I've done some embroidery on clothes before, but I was hoping for some new inspiration and I always like working together with other creatives.
If you're interested in more details, you're welcome to visit vermaakster.blogspot.com!
Tip: if you like embroidery on clothes, you might also like this older post I ran into: hiding a stain on a skirt with beautiful yellow flowers (Refashion Co-op).