Introducing my latest mens shirt refashion, and possibly my favourite to date. It's a pretty simple garment created from two discarded mens shirts, one for the body (which is cut so the buttonstand and buttonholes are retained) and one for the collar. I can't remember which pattern I used for the body but it's very simple, just bust darts and slightly curved side seams.
The shirt above was initially going to be the body, but I found a rip around one of the buttonholes so I squeezed the collar pattern from that and found another shirt in better condition for the body instead. I used New Look 6808 (pictured below) for the collar section. It is actually a faux tie. There is a loop of fabric that the ends of the collar feed through which means you can position it so you are happy with it and don't need to spoil the effect each time!

I made bias strips from the sleeves of the main shirt to bind the armholes of the blouse. I bound the armhole curves after stitching the shoulder seams but before stitching the side seams. I like the way the stripes become diagonal on the bias.

I'm determined to find more uses for the wealth of unwanted mens shirts that seems to be out there! As and when I come up with them, you'll be some of the first to know! More on this refashion
Happy refashioning, lovelies!
SUPER cute! The possibilities for pattern mixing are so exciting!
This is lovely. I also have purchased a few mens shirts (from charity shops) ready to refashion. I had not thought about mixing them. Thanks for the inspiration.
Very, very cute! There are a lot of men's shirt refashions getting made. Your refashion is my of my favorites. If you take it in the waist a bit, it would give your waist a little more definition.
Really nice. I agree, the bias on the arms looks great! I also love the collar!
Very nice refashion! I'm really liking View C on that pattern, too.
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