Thursday, February 24, 2011


I may have bit off more than I can chew, and discovered why skirt-to-tunic refashions are not more popular!
:)  Here is my in-progress project. It's not pressed yet, and you can tell. Let me saw it looks FAR better on the mannequin than on me. Sigh. At the moment, it is looking a bit like a dental assistant is going sailing!

Here's what I did so far:
  • opened up the pocket to make the armholes. This I thought was brilliant. We shall see. 
  • sewed up the shoulder seam, from top of pocket to about 4" from center. (across what used to be the waist)
  • the V neck is where the zipper used to be
  • took a side seam from just below pocket, into waist at an angle and then back out to hem. (A big triangle cut out of what was formerly the side of the skirt.)
  • I wanted the handerchief points. We shall see
  • I do LOVE the mix of prints. Just might not be right yet. 
So far, that is all. The waist band here is pinned. So is the black material around the neckline. The bow is actually the collar from the shirt the black fabric came from. The collar shape as bow has potential for someone. Perhaps not me. We shall see...

I was aiming for something Anthropologie-like. There is still WAY too much volume in the peplum. I was considering an exposed zipper in the back, but was trying to keep it loose enough that I didn't need to go there. Might HAVE to go there! As I said, there is still a lot of volume!! 
I may lose the bat wing sleeves. (I'm sleeping on it!)  But wanted to share my progress. You all are so accomplished with this king of thing, I wanted to document my fits and starts on this, my first real refashion!

Suggestions welcome. As we've noted though, I may not take them! hehehehehe
Thanks anyway!


Unknown said...

Wow, I am impressed by the pockets to sleeves idea - it works! No words of wisdom, other than I like what you've done.

Unknown said...

I think it's looking great Jenni. I'm really impressed. I'm getting so much inspiration from the site already - can't wait to delve into some real refashions of my own. But first some work!


Huli said...

It's interesting...I'd like to see the neckline widened and be alil lower and rounder...and without the tie...I do like the one at the waist though and the funky hemline...look forward to seeing what you come up with =)