Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tunic Refashion - Need some advice

I have done another refashioning project. It's an off white cotton eyelet kameez that I thrifted a few weeks ago. It is calf length and has some cheap ribbon and rainbow coloured beads sewned on it and some of them have fallen off. The 'embellishment' is not really my cup of tea but I do like the eyelet fabric.
1. The first thing I did was to take out the ribbon and the remaining beads. Now I could see that it has a pretty neckline and the edge of the sleeves are scalloped.

2. Next I looked into my trims stash to see what I have that would go with it. I don't have much. Nothing looked right until I saw a bit of remnant X'mas trim I bought 6 years ago. I sewed it onto the centre of the tunic. I tried adding other trims to the rest of the neckline but had to rip them out because they distracted the eye too much from the pretty neckline.

3. I thought this looked fine - a nice and simple trim for a pretty eyelet fabric. My hubby thought that it looked like a tie.

So I would like some advice from you Refashionistas: What do you think? Does this kameez need more embellishment? If so, what would be your suggestion? I look forward to your comments!!


poet said...

So what if it looks like a tie? I think it looks good... you could actually play with people's perception and add a fake knot on top. :)

Huli said...

maybe the trims alil dark in contrast to the white...I'd go for a few hand sewn beads or sequins instead around the neckline :)

Jenni said...

hmmm. I love the pretty scallops too! What about doing some kind of simple embroidery around the edges to accent the scallops? In your favorite color...or maybe even something delicate, like gray or a metallic thread?

Lovenicky said...

Thanks ladies for your comments/suggestions! I really don't have anything in my stash that would complement this. I guess I will have to check out the cheapy bin at my fabric store or the thrift store for some trims/beads/threads!