Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Welcome to the Refashion Co-op

Welcome to the Refashion Co-op!
We are going to launch the site on the 14th February (Valentines day) and you are all invited to come along and sign up as contributors or follow us as readers. In the days following there will be posts where you get to meet the editors and see their favorite refashions and the contributors will join in with their first refashions. We can't wait to see you all!

A bit more about us:
We came together around a shared love for refashioning, or making over old garments into new garments and accessories, to create a space dedicated to refashioning. When Wardrobe Refashion closed down, we were all sad to see the iconic blog end it's run, and this project was set up to keep the online refashion community alive.

This is a collaborative blog, a space for contributors worldwide to showcase their finished projects and share techniques. We also envision it as a place to gain inspiration, and further the dialogue around sustainable fashion, consumerism, personal style, and frugal fashion. Most importantly, we hope this will be a space to connect with like-minded folks by fostering a sense of community among contributors and readers alike.

Our contributors are our most important asset, as it is your ideas and your creativity that drive this site! As Editors we primarily provide logistical support to ensure the site runs as smoothly as possible.

Together, we can take this movement to a new level! Let’s spread the refashion love to more people, encourage one another to take creative risks, and celebrate in our successes along the way.

Welcome to our new space. We hope that you will join us on this journey.

Your Editors,



Emma at Daily Clothes Fix said...

Looking forward to seeing what you get up to. I'll be following.

Unknown said...

Thanks Emma,
Looking forward to chatting to you.

Unknown said...

This is a great idea! I'm definitely following :D

Melissa said...

I have been waiting for something like this, nicely done ladies!