Sunday, March 13, 2011

One pink shirt project!

I did it! I salvaged the shirt-to-dress I was making for my daughter. (Full story herehere and here.) My first atttempt had resulted in an odd, strappy sundress that just looked weird on her. Then I remembered this terrific teeshirt + fabric = dress tutorial, from Grosgrain. I grabbed an old teeshirt with cute cap sleeves from my daughter's closet, the sad little dress and some more Liberty fabric (it's almost gone now, sniff). Some snipping, some trim and a hour or so, et voilà...

Yes, it looks a bit crooked in the photo (and it is on the hanger in real life, though slightly less so and not really noticeable when worn). But my daughter loves it and so do I! 

And as a little bonus for me, I turned a scarf into a tunic this weekend - inspired by Miss P's work.


Refashion said...

Oooh! Nice job salvaging the dress, it looks so adorable with the contrast belt and little ruffle at the neckline. Children move around so quickly, nobody would be able to notice a little bit of crookedness (actually, that's also what I tell myself about skirt hems, ahem). There's so much nice detailing in this refashion.

Also, excited to see a tunic-top-from-scarf refashion! Love the green with the tiny bit of pink, how springlike and cheerful!


Unknown said...

It works perfectly a a maternity top! Gorgeous colours. I'll confess to being a teeny bit chuffed with the mention, lol! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Just in case anyone I know from "real life" outside the blogosphere is reading, I want to clarify that you haven't missed any big news lately and I'm not pregnant in the picture above... ;-) As I wrote over on Two little cabbages & cie, I did wear this tunic as a scarf when pregnant in 2008, but I'm not expecting now, although I admit that the many remaining kilos/pounds after my second pregnancy might make you think I'm carrying a third child. LOL. And it is definitely true that Miss P's tutorial would work to make a maternity top.