Sunday, May 01, 2011

Me-Made-June '11!!!

If you are a reader of sewing/refashioning blogs, then chances are you may previously have heard about the me-made/self-stitched challenges (such as the recent Me-Made-March '11) that I have organised before. Maybe you have even participated in the past. Maybe you haven't the foggiest idea what I'm talking about!

Well, either way, I hope the editors of Refashion Co-op may permit my using this platform to announce the latest of these challenges: Me-Made-June '11. To briefly explain, the premise of MMJune '11 is to encourage those of us who make and/or refashion our own clothes, to actually wear those creations in our everyday lives, by pledging to do so each day for the duration of the month. You can pick how 'involved' you wish to make the challenge, thus tailoring (excuse the pun) the details so that it challenging but do-able.

If you feel you could use a little extra push to actually wear the fruits of your refashioning/sewing/knitting/crochetting/etc. efforts, and be part of a lovely community doing so all over the globe, then maybes MMJune '11 could be for you. All you have to do is sign up and decide what specifics would make the most sense for you and then give it a shot when June rolls around. You don't have to have a blog yourself to be part of this, although if you do, documenting your me-made month on your blog can be a lovely way to share your experience, as well as all your lovely creations! There will also be a Flickr group created through which participants can share their daily outfits/creations, but once again this is totally optional.

Past participants in these challenges have noted heaps of benefits from getting involved: from finding the motivation they needed to complete some unfinished projects, to discovering a wealth of inspiration through what other participants have been wearing, to learning to look past the flaws that they saw in their creations. Not convinced? Then check out the Flickr group of the most recently completed me-made/self-stitched challenge, Me-Made-March '11 for some serious eye-candy and interesting and supportive discussions.

Oh, and there's a cute blog widget/button available to announce your intent, should you so desire!

Happy refashioning lovelies

Zoe xxx


Huli said...

I did this as a personal challenge for myself for the whole month of January & I really loved it! Yay time to do it again ;)

Theo said...

I'm so glad you're doing this in June instead of May this year because that means I might actually succeed! (Unlike MMM'11 which was a dismal failure for me.)

Jenni said...

Much success to all! :)