I had to do a lot of chopping and taking in. I shortened the sleeves, narrowed the sides, took out the shoulder pads and then took up the shoulder and top of arm seams, re-cut the neckline (2 times) and re-faced it with bias tape, resewed all the front panels to have some shape, and shortened the length. Three ugly white plastic buttons were replaced with two unmatched vintage ones, and I hand-sewed a pick stitch line to highlight the yoke.
It probably would have been easier to start from scratch, but then I don't think I would have ended up with this:
More pics and info at my blog. Sigrid
Refashioning is a lot more fun than starting from scratch in my opinion :)
And you did an awesome job!
And I love how you posed for the photo :)
well done! So chic!
looks really good :) sound like lots of work, i reckon i would have given up
Ah this is great! Love your pose :)
I have to admit, it took awhile to get my courage up for this. Taking in the seams was the easiest. The hardest part was cutting the new neckline symmetrically.
It's beautiful!!
Super Cute!
this dress has a lot of style and personality now! I love it, and you are giving me courage to attempt something similar. thanks!!!
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