Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bloomin' Fun

 I came across some orphan vintage quilt blocks recently. I thought they looked like flowers so I appliqued them onto an apron inspired skirt that I'd just finished.

It's a fun way to enjoy these blocks without having to commit to making an entire quilt.


MooBear Designs said...

Oh this is perect!! I am currently working on my own large hexies which is so nice!!

Xo Steph

jessica said...

Ingenious! I love how the hexagons go so well with the print of the apron. It's that whole "Anthropologie-no-really-I'm-not-trying-that-hard-to-look-cool" look. Fabulous.

Refashion said...

Really pretty and a clever re-use of the quilt blocks. It makes for a very lovely skirt