Thursday, September 01, 2011

Baggy suit to suitable bagger

I snagged this suit jacket at the op shop for $4. Unsure of what it would evolve into it sat in the craft room for a while. I loved the large stitching on the pockets and the fabric but couldn't work out what to make it into.

Hubby has also shrunk out of his clothes, leaving me lots of shirts to play with. I decided that nothing goes better with a suit jacket than a business shirt. So I married them up into a tote.

I used bias strip I had lying around (another oppy purchase). It's a bit on the skinny side. I shouldn't have been so lazy and made my own. Next time :)

Check my Lolllean page on facebook.


Unknown said...

thats pretty clever Lollean! I'm impressed by any mens suit re-purpose as I'd think it would be hard pulling apart a suit jacket

Erica, Editor on Duty

fluffnnonsense said...

clever girl!! xx