Wednesday, October 19, 2011

One Tricked Out Pony

Hi, I'm from Project Mimima where my mission is to simplify my consumption and accumulation of stuff (clothes), one step at a time for a year.  To do this I've imposed a ban on buying anything new or used that I can put on my body (including shoes, jewelry, hats, underwear, bags, etc.)  I'm allowed to use whatever I have on hand to create whatever I need/ want.  That has opened the door for an abundance of creative refashioning - from little tweaks to major reconstructions!  And all of you at Refashion Co-op have been my site of inspiration.  Thanks!

Here's a little tweak for today.  This is a top I bought long ago (believe it or not) and now is too small. 


And here's an insert I added at the side seam from some wild looking scrap fabric I found in my stash.  It fits great now and looks like it was meant to be.


La La Lauren!!! said...

very nice way to make it work!

Editor on Duty

Unknown said...

I've seen you blog, well done! I'm on 1 year challenge too :) Keep on, you are doing great job!

pao said...

Wow, feedback too! Thanks so much for taking the time to be supportive.

Bartinki, your blog and creations are too cool!