Friday, November 11, 2011

Compai Inspired T-shirt Refashion

Believe it or not I managed to actually refashion something just for me!!
Move over kids this one is for the Mamas.

It has been unbelievably hot and if I had my way I would just do everything in a sarong like I would when I was pregnant but alas it's just not do-able right now (unless I happen to have a massive bowl of chicken laksa then I might be able to get away with it...hehe)

Armed with my $3 op shopped copy of 99 ways to cut, sew, trim and tie your T-shirt by the every so awesomely inspirational Compai girls and a plain singlet I devised a plan...

Find a top that would allow for the following:

-maximum air flow during the hot days
-cover up enough of my lovely body to be happy with (you know the marks that giving birth leaves you with?)
-looks sexy
-that I could complete in 15min or under (had to pick up the kids from school... not in the top though).

Tah Dar...
The top is super easy to put on and is pretty much like wearing a bikini top.

My favourite part by far is the back...

I know right?! For the first time in years I remembered I had a tattoo back there... Hurray!

Now you can see the other books the Compai girls have written here. They are about denim and scarves... NOICE. But I have post it notes stuck all over the pages of my book ready to make a few more so stay tuned!!

Oh... I also joined in the Buy Nothing New Challenge last month and blogged about all the wonderful things we found under my husband bed. Think of all the things you would love to have all at once... That's pretty much what we found here.


American Nanny said...

I absolutely love their 99 Ways ... T-shirt book and have either followed their instructions or used them for inspiration for many of my refashions. I didn't know they had other books though - thanks so much for sharing. I see a visit to the bookstore in my very near future.

Refashion said...

Wow, I need to find me a copy of that book! Looks great!

Natalli, EOD