Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Private Benjamin Top

I found this top in a charity shop, and liked the colours, but the shape was terrible. One for the reasons I don't have a lot of rtw non stretchy tops, is the general approach to make them massive and completely shapeless.

It is a stylised camouflage print with a nicer set of colours. But it makes me look like a sack of potatoes.

I look extremely glum in this before picture.. As you can see the top is super unflattering.

So I put some darts in and a (really badly sewn in!) zip and made it fit me. Much better!


Anna said...

This fits you great after the fix. I tend to stay away from tops like these too because I just don't know what to do with them. Wish I had your skills :)

Refashion said...

Great way to create a nice fit! Looks great! EOD

Zom said...

You have done a great job, now it shows off your beautiful figure.

Staley said...

That is fantastic! Such a great transformation.