Saturday, December 24, 2011

My Year-End Challenge:

To tackle all those sewing Minima Projects I've started in the last 6 months but never quite finished. 4 down, ? to go. The latest to reach the finish line is a black shirt I had let the darts out to fit better and then cast aside since I didn't know what it needed next.

Now I decided to funk it up by making a quick change of the buttons, but indecision was killing me. I kept on sewing and changing the buttons, and sewing and changing the buttons, and...(you get the idea) for hours!!?! Do any of you guys ever get like that? geez. Well here's how it ended up...
and here's a close-up of the button debacle
For an even closer look, see Project Minima

1 comment:

Refashion said...

Love the dart refashion, and I can totally relate to the button problem. So many choices, none of which ever feel fully satisfying. But it's clear that you have been pursuing that inspiration. :) -Seeks, EOD