Tuesday, April 24, 2012

boy's shirt from man's shirt

Another use for a man's business shirt;
As I hate putting in button holes, this is a great refashion because it saves the stress.

I simply lay the shirt flat with buttons done up and  cut the front and back of a boys shirt from the bottom half a man's shirt. I used the yoke to cut out the sleeves and a bit of spare fabric unde that to do the collar. This way you avoid the areas of the shirt that are probably damaged like underarm and collar.

I didn't need to hem the bottom of the shirt either as I used the existing hem, although you do get a little step from back to front it looks like its deliberate.
If you look carefully you can see the very bottom of the man's shirt pocket on the shoulder,  but again that looks deliberate.
I embellished with some machine embroidery, and away you go! My little man looks so cute is his daddy's hand me down.


Unknown said...

This is so cute- completely adorable.

La La Lauren!!! said...

precious! :)

LaLaLauren, EOD