Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Really Distressed Denim Jacket

that originally was in perfectly good shape, but Altered Couture magazine always inspires me so off I went.
Honestly, I forgot to dilute the bleach and just poured it on. What was I thinking? So, I had already cut into the edges of the jacket to distress it and washed it again and again. Might as well distress it the max.
I had an ancient linen blouse that I cut up to add to the jacket.

I fused on batting for some dimension and cut around it and sewed it on. I did add some French knots with embroidery floss

This a close up of tea dyed cotton lace that I added to the collar and pockets flaps.
As you can see, I added some of the blouse fabric to the bottom of the jacket, also. It now resides in my Etsy shop, EcoThreadsCouture. Thanks for letting me share my adventure with you! And when I can fit it in, my blog is


Bat Ma'am said...

How adorable! I hate the look of a PLAIN, PERFECT denim jacket, I HAVE to hack it up somehow! Beautiful job :)

gaby said...

the bleaching looks great! I have to try this!

Refashion said...

What a neat combo of elements: the girliness of the floral print and crocheted trim really transforms that distressed look of the jacket. Thanks! -Seeks, EOD