Monday, April 16, 2012

T-Shirt Makeover #2: Adding Lace

I’m calling this the Kate Middleton Tee, because I was inspired by the lace on the shoulders and sleeves of her dress and I wanted to apply that to a T-shirt. I realize the shirt looks nothing like the dress, but here’s what I did anyway….

Kate Middleton


AFTER....if I had stopped here...

FINAL...taking it to another level...the result of an unplanned experiment

I'm okay with it, but I actually like it without the band better, on the positive side it was the first time I figured out I could use the bottom band of a t-shirt as bias tape for a collar, here's how...


Bat Ma'am said...

Cuuuute! Love it! Those are my fave colors too!!

Refashion said...

I like the lace yoke - very pretty refashion. Thanks for sharing.



Adele said...

That's gorgeous!! Love it.

- Adele @ Mammy Made