Saturday, June 16, 2012

school days over

 Hey there, exams are finally over so that means it's holiday time! YAY! I can refashion and stuff all day long now so hopefully, I will be able to post my stuff a lot more frequently now. In the mean time, here's an easy peasy jewellry refashion I came up with. Basically I took little plastic covered bendy wire bits ( you know the ones that are wrapped around bundles of cables to keep them together) and bended them into the shape of treble clefts, then attatched them to earring fixtures. you could use a little dot of glue to keep them from un bendyfying. I'm sorry there's no completed earring pics, my camera ran out of juice, but I'll post finished pictures on to my blog ASAP.
Roisin :D

1 comment:

Refashion said...

Cute, and good to know that the glue helps keep the shape. :) Looking forward to more of your refashions over the holiday. -Seeks, EOD