Saturday, June 16, 2012

Simple Dress Refashion

I found a really great dress at a thrift store. It had really cool paneling on the bodice. The stripes switch perpendicularly back and forth on each diagonal panel. The problem was, it basically looked like this. (Sorry, I forgot to take a before picture.)

I chopped off the sleeves and made them into short gathered sleeves, and then altered the neckline with a new facing. Now its a great dress and looks so much better! It has enough detail to be worn as-is, but the detail is subtle enough to be pair with cool accessories.
See more refashion tips and tutorials.


Refashion said...

Great refashion! Take the best parts of the piece and accentuate them! The sleeve and neck alteration really seem to do that with the bodice paneling. -Seeks, EOD

Mandy said...

I love this dress. Great job :)