Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fixing the little things...

Greetings Refashioners!

I am still trucking away at my 60 days of blogging to DC. Which is about to turn into 90 because my move has gotten delayed. So here are a few refashions that really are not big projects.

First was this very loved sweater vest with a faux shirt.
I loved this shirt as I got it for only $0.99 at Goodwill one Sunday. I did not realize that there were pulls in the one underarm. Over time they began to shred the chiffon. Unfortunately I could not fix this. Instead of trying to make new sleeves, I just decided to pull everything off. It is now just a simple sweater vest.
I paired it with a long sleeve shirt and well it sort of looks like nothing changed! For more information on this project see here.

Next one was a crop jacket I found on another Sunday at Goodwill. But we had some major issues.
There were all these elastic pieces all over the top that gathered it. 5 to be exact: 2 front, 1 on each shoulder, and the back. Basically, all I did to fix this was remove the elastic with my seam ripper and iron the heck out of the jacket!
If I button it, it still gathers some but at least I have some length. For more information on this project see here.

Hope you enjoyed! Here is to now 90 days of blogging! Bleh!



fashion-meets-art said...

great idea. i love it.

neon giveaway:

Refashion said...

Easy is sometimes best!
Jenni EOD