Monday, January 21, 2013

Moo-Moo of Doom

I know it's only January but I can't WAIT for summer time. I have had this giant moo-moo for a while and finally I had a good idea on how to make it look awesome! 
I picked it out for the amount of fabric on dress, the beautiful floral color and pattern and it was only $4.50.

I cut the top off wear all the fabric was gathered and was left with a lot of fabric.
I cut the excess off to fit my size, sewed the back up, and added elastic to the top. I paired my new dress with a belt. 

Can you tell I am ready for summer time? 

To see more pictures and more instructions on how to make this dress visit my blog Sewing Room Screaming (*warning blog features adult language*) 


Refashion said...

That is one huge dress in the before shots! The new version looks so perfect for summer - great fabric.
Debbie EOD

Adele said...

Oh wow. You look gorgeous in that! Good work

- Adele