Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Bistro to Boho...

How gorgeous did this turn out?!

Can you believe that beautious boho blouse started out as a vintage bistro curtain?

Here's the step-by-step tutorial to create your own...

In other Refashionista news, I am now the proud producer of my very own series of  

In addition to my regular crafty blog posts I’ll be sharing my adventures in upcycling with step-by-step video tutorials featuring everything from clothing & accessory refashions to thriftilicious home decor… a shiny new webisode will be uploaded every Monday!

 Enjoy ‘em and I’ll catch ya on the zigzag!


Suzanne said...

That's insane! I love it.

La La Lauren!!! said...

OMG that is fabulous! love this top!
