Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Quick refashion update

This top is from (i think) my first ever post here - it was a plain white top i embellished with crochet flowers and different, cuter buttons last year.
However it never really made it into my often-worn clothes over last summer, and the reason was it just didn't fit quite right. i loved the top but it was a size or so too big and flapped about a bit, and it kept getting passed over for things that were more flattering in fit.

So - simple solution! probably self-explanatory from the pictures - i sewed two outward/pointing tucks into the back of the top, stitched embroidery thread through them to create lacing, and used this to pull the back of the top in slightly, corset-style.


The top now looks and fits better, and the back has a bit more interest to it. As usual a bit more info etc on my blog . xxx

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