Thursday, February 14, 2013

Refashion: Jeans to Long Skirt

When I first wrote here at Refashion co-op I shared a tutorial for a knee-length denim skirt. Today I will share with you a link for a detailed tutorial to make your own long denim skirt. I usually use two pairs of jeans to make these. The first pair has to fit you well in the rear/thigh area. The second needs to be similar in color to the first pair of jeans. You will only use the legs of these jeans to fill in the middle of the first pair to create the skirt. Here's what your skirt will look like when you get it done:

I would share the full tutorial for making this skirt here on Refashion Co-op, but it's really long and detailed and it would just be easier to send you in the direction to get the tutorial. So, if you're interested in sewing a Long Denim Skirt head on over to my blog! :)
I have to say that personally I LOVE my long skirts! I have 5. All of which I made myself with these same directions. If you ever have questions about sewing one of these skirts please feel free to email me and I'll do my best to help you out.
P.S. I'm getting married today!!! I cannot wait to share details on my blog!


Sandy said...

Congratulations! good day to get married. :) All the best for the future!
Sandy in the UK

Unknown said...

Uh congratulations.
A tutorial is always welcome.
Best Eddie EOD

Helen @ Blue Eyed Beauty Blog said...

Thank you both!
