Monday, September 21, 2015

#4 Nightgown from Skimpy Gown and Old Navy Slinky T-

RanchHouse Mid- September Sewing Goal:
*Mend, alter, refashion 10 RanchHouse Nightgowns.  This is #4.

These RanchHouse Nightgowns:
*Need enough coverage for morning coffee on the porch.
*Are from the end of summer closet change over.

 Comfy Nightgown.
Enough coverage for morning coffee on the porch.

Green Rick-Rack in deep green to echo the deep pink.

After: Seam with elastic casing.


Steps: Cut gown just under the arms. Cut t- at waist.  Stitch at side and shoulder seams to take up. Serge all seams. Stitch extra wide seam at waist. Turn seam up and stitch to make elastic casing.
Green Rick-Rack for a pop of color.

Before: *Old soft Cotton nightgown from end of summer    closet.    This was short and sleeveless. I wanted to enough coverage for morning coffee on the porch. *Very large and oversized Old Navy t- from the stash. Very thin and poly.
*Very large and oversized Old Navy t- from the stash. Very thin and poly. 
After: Comfy Nightgown with enough coverage to wear for morning coffee.

Oversized Old Navy T-.
Worn cotton Nightgown.


Refashion said...

I like the colour block effect you have created. Coffee on the porch sounds very appealing

Debbie EOD

RanchHouse said...

Thanks Debbie: I have just added a deep green rick-rack to echo the pink in the top. Coffee every morning on the porch with the dogs and the cows.