Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Making A Cardigan

Hello Refashion Co-op. I had this shirt and this dark green sweater that I liked together, but the sweater covered the pretty flowers on the front. I decided to make this sweater into a cardigan style sweater. 

I used the sweaters weave as a guide for my cutting and cut straight up the middle of the sweater.

 I folded the raw edge under and hand stitched it in place. I hate hand sewing but this actually only took about 5 minutes.

It is very comfortable and more useful as a cardigan instead of a pullover.

Thanks for reading, for more details and to read about my first failed attempt at this cardigan go to I Can Work With That.


cfort82 said...

Thanks for sharing. I actually like to hand sew cuz I am just weird that way I guess. I much prefer cardigans to pull over sweaters so I am going to have to try this easy fix.

Cindy - EOD
Upcycled Design Lab

Heidi said...

Great refashion as always and you wear it beautifully!