Friday, June 12, 2020

A Bathrobe to Peasant Blouse Refashion

This refashion started out as a bathrobe I bought at the thrift store 2 years ago.  I threw it in my stash and then forgot I had it until I rediscovered it last week.

Can we just stand back and admire the print for for a bit?  I can't resist a bright, pretty floral.  This fabric was begging to be refashioned into a romantic, peasant blouse.

I love wearing peasant blouses in the summer.  I don't tan, I burn, so I need all the coverage I can get.

Check out my blog Pivot Point Patterns for more upcycling tips and projects.


I Can Work With That said...

This is so pretty. That is a great idea.

Therese said...

Looks great, well done!