Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Recycling scraps and a question

Hi everyone!

I know the focus here is fashion, but this is a fashionable accessory... so, does that slide?

It was my friend's birthday, she's allergic to everything so I made her a tissue holder using the Very Purple Person tutorial (so easy) from some organic linen scraps. As they were scraps I had to be a little bit inventive with my cutting, but this is how it started out...

... and here's the finished product!

You can see more info on my blog here, and more ideas for recycling scraps here.


A guy friend of mine has just cleaned out his wardrobe and I managed to sneak 5 men's business shirts before he donated them to the op-shop. They're in great condition and I was wondering if anyone had any tutorials or ideas that they could send my way?
Thanks in advance!

Reana Louise x


Unknown said...

Hey Reana, love your tissue holder, I've made one of those before, but your design is so much better.

I've made a skirt out of my husbands shirt before:

Along with PJ pants out of the sleeves of the same shirt:

Also cushion covers:

Can't wait to see what you do with your friends five shirts!

MooBear Designs said...

Erica's refashioned for sure!!

Mine is here:

Good luck and can't wait to see what you create....

Unknown said...

Oh yes, Steph's is a great one too!

Inexpert Crafter said...

If any of the shirts compliment each other and are good and big on you, I'd say brave trying a shirt dress. Take one in at your waist, swap the collar and cuffs from another shirt and use the second shirt to add length too. You could make a waist tie from the second shirt and two belt loops and those sleeve hold up tab things for when you roll your sleeves over. Someone help me out with what they're called?
You could even swap the button placket, keeps it all tied in together so that it looks like a fashion not a refashion.

Unknown said...

Wow guys, great ideas. Just the things I was looking for! I wish I was tiny so I could have comfy PJ's out of a recycled shirt... genius! RL x