Tuesday, July 24, 2012

(itsy) Bitsy Books

Our local charity shop has a take-it-or-it-goes-in-the-rubbish box just inside the front door. I usually avoid digging through it because if the charity shop thinks something belongs in the bin, it probably does. However, on my last thrifting expedition I literally tripped over this beauty dangling over the edge of the box – most likely attempting an escape before it got dumped in the trash:

 a groovy patchwork leather purse…just what I had been looking for to mate with the leftovers from my secret book safe to create…
 …fanfreakingtastic mini book pendants!

Here’s how to make your own with stuff you already have in the house



Loving this pendant. It looks amazing and I can't wait to give it a try. Thanks for sharing.

Ernie's Mum said...

Love it too. What a great idea.