Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Working the Magic...

...Magic Mike that is.  Quite possibly one of the most highly anticipated movies of ALL time (move over Breaking Dawn and Hunger Games) due mostly in part to the following:
While I'm not a huge Channing Tatum fan, this movie was the perfect "Mommy's Night Out" flick...well, for obvious reasons.  Of course the gals had to pull my leg to go (not really) and I was mostly interested in the storyline (bwahahahaha), it served as the perfect opportunity for me to whip out this little ditty:
Scored for a mere $1, this colorful little ensemble was brand new with tags.  I was especially drawn to the vibrant print and gauzy material.
After a few minor alterations, paired with my favorite jeans and "movie purse" I was ready to meet the girls and take one for the team.

More info about the changes here at my place

Maui Girl


La La Lauren!!! said...

I love that fabric! So bright and fun! And wahoo for magic mike!


Huli said...

you always look gorgeous! how was the movie? ;)