I’ve shared a DIYs from Old Jeans Pinterest Board with you the other day on my blog. And today I want to share my very first denim project with you, to show you how I am putting those old jeans to a good use!
The instructions are going to be pretty self-explanatory, and in pictures, but let me know if you have any questions by leaving me comments below this post and I will definitely get back to you!
Also I by no means am taking absolute credit for this project, there are tons of DIYs like this throughout the internet. I do request though that if you are going to be using my pictures, please link back to my blog! Thank you!
Some of you know that I used to babysit, and since I haven’t seen the girl for almost 2 months, I decided it was finally time to see little miss Ingrid, but I couldn’t go empty handed (that’s the Russian in me), so this morning I sat down and made this:
It only took about 2 hours, plus I was catching up on The Bachelorette on Hulu, so there 
Alright, so for this project you are going to need
- some fabric (any fabric) – I used the old jeans, some felt that I had left over from a swap and some striped fabric that came from the same swap
I am very savvy about where my fabric is coming from!
- magic fluff, or filling, mine came from a couch pillow that we no longer use 
- a sewing machine
- thread, pins and a needle,
- paper for the pattern (I created my own and had to readjust it throughout the process)
- scissors
- flexibility and creativity
So here we go:
And we end up with this:
I hope you had fun looking through this, again, please let me know if you have any questions!
Hope you all had an awesome day 
This is adorable!! Such a cute little owl.
Thank you Kaitlin :) It was for one adorable little girl :)
Cute creation Zhenya! Please remember to use ONLY the tags shown at left in the list. I've added some listed tags, so that our readers might find your project. You will find that they are geared towards fashion, not toys, so there isn't a perfect fit. An occasional non-fashion redo is ok.
Betting you are a great sitter!
Thank you Jenni :)
Will do, I don't babysit her anymore though!
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