Thursday, August 16, 2012

T-Shirts to Tetris

Hi all! I'm Julia, I write a blog called Because the World is Round, and I'm really excited to have been added as a contributor at refashion co-op!

For my first submission I wanted to show off this tetris dress, which I just finished a few days ago. It was made from 7 T-shirts and some extra jersey knit I had left over from another project:

It’s the kind of project you take on, knowing it will take forever and that it has the potential to be a complete disaster.

I took the seven T-Shirts, cut them into little 3×3 inch squares, and basically quilted them together. This is where I knew the project was sort of dangerous – that much seaming on that much stretchy fabric = lots of potential for a dress that hangs super funky. And you can see it in the pictures, it does kind of hang funky. I'll probably try some interfacing on it later.

The bodice is loosely based on Simplicity 2176. Except I sewed it in jersey knit, rather than the recommended not-so-stretchy fabrics. And I didn’t line it. And I didn’t put a zipper in. I tried to be smart and cut it to the 6 rather than my usual 10 thinking that would account for the stretch of the fabric – not so! I had to take it in another 2 inches at the end to get it to fit.

Here's some of the process:


Mandy said...

Wow! This looks like you put a lot of effort into it. Looks great :)

Fanny said...

Pretty and inspirational, thank you! :P


Love the vibrant colours. Nice dress.

Bat Ma'am said...

ADORABLE! I'm obsessed with tetris, my friends and I used to have competitions on my old (ORIGINAL!) Nintendo xD this made my day :)

concretenprimroses said...

Very ambitious and it came out great!

concretenprimroses said...

Very ambitious and it came out great!

The Renegade Seamstress said...

This must've taken a long time. Looks great on you! Very clever!