Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Easy peasy sun dress to skirt

Take one rather gorgeous sun dress that doesn't fit...


And convert it into a skirt that does fit by...

- unpicking the bottom of the zip to the waistband
- cutting off the skirt to the desired length
- sewing up the gap left by the zip
- cutting some elastic to the desired width
- marking the depth of the waistband and pinning in place
- sew all the way around the waistband leaving a gap of a couple of inches
- add a safety pin to the end of the elastic and pull it through the new waistband channel
- sew the elastic together with a zig zag stitch
- sew up the gap


Easy peasy!!

If you'd like to see more pictures of this and other refashions, then you can head on over to my blog at


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