Hi all and Happy New Year!!
I'm so excited about 2014!!!
Unfortunately for this entry I don't have any before pics (sorry - there's a resolution for this year in the making.....) but essentially it's a beautiful calf length wrap around skirt I found for a couple of quid at a charity store.
The elephant pattern was at the bottom of the skirt; I chopped it off and used it as a lovely fitted piece just below the empress line.
The wrap around tie became a halter neck solely because a) there wasn't enough material for sleeves/straps and b) they're cute!
Now I'll just have to wait for summer :/
See the process at 2ndspin@AliceSAysNo
Thanks for reading! ☽AliceSaysNo☾
No better way to start the year than with a Zero Waste project!
Nice work.
This is really cute!
It's beautiful. I love it. Wonderful colour too.
I love it! I love the colors and patterns. Great job!
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